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Christina Croft at Amazon

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Queen Victoria's Granddaughters 1860-1918

I am happy to announce that my new non-fiction book:
is now available on Kindle.

Due to an agreement with Amazon and the publication of this book, it has been necessary to remove (at least temporarily) some of the posts on this blog (and my other blogs). I apologise to people who have been reading them but the information they contained is now available in the new book, and some of the posts will reappear after 90 days.
As I wrote in a previous post, this book is based on many years of research carried out as a labour of love. I hoped, in writing it, not simply to tell the already well-known stories of these fascinating princesses and their families, but rather to portray the connections in, for example, their health, spirituality, childhood, character, war work etc.
In obtaining permissions for the excerpts used in the book, I have had the good fortune to be in contact with with some very wonderful, gracious and kind people to whom I am most grateful, and all of whom I have acknowledged in the book. It is is a very lovely thing to find such support and kindness!

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